List of products by brand Elitzia
Beauty Every Day
Beauty Every Day for Discerning Buyers
Assuring your satisfaction
Each of the products presented within Elitzia, have been carefully selected, evaluated and presented here to you by our team of experts.
The over-riding goal of our selection is to provide you with an opportunity to perform professional beautification processes at the best of service and price.
· Delivered to your door
Multiple options are available to establish the most appropriate delivery for YOU.
Depending upon your location and circumstances, we can arrange delivery via postal or courier services.
Our products are held a locations around the world, and would normally be dispatched from your nearest location to maximise speed. In most cases, the products are already within your country and hence you can receive within the coming days.
· Our Operating Company is located within the UK and EU, with our manufacturing and sourcing within Asia
To keep our contact routes simple and fast, we request that you use E-mail links to communicate with us. However, if your requirement neccesitates immediate response, please call use here. +86 139 231 691 20
· Payment Methods
Multiple options for payment are available for you. The primary concern is to keep your payment and identity secure.
To that end, we offer the Paypal payment process as being both secure and simple.
If you would wish to pay by an alternate method, please contact us directly to allow us to facilitate your request.